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Жалованная грамота княз я Владислава Опольского Даниле Дажбоговичу 1375 г.

Сергей В. Полехов (Sergey V. Polekhov), Вадим Б. Крысько (Vadim B. Krysko)

Seiten 019 - 045

DOI https://doi.org/10.13173/WS.66.1.019

Prince Władysław Opolczyk’s grant document for Danilo Dažbogovič (1375)

The article provides the commented edition of a grant document issued by prince Władysław Opolczyk for the nobleman Danilo Dažbogovič in 1375, confirming and extending Danilo’s land possessions in the district of Zudečev (nowadays Žydačiv in L’viv oblast in western Ukraine). The original written on parchment in Old East Slavic with Władysław’s seal is now preserved in the National Archive in Cracow. The document is dated only with a year; on the basis of extensive historical research, we can show that it must have been issued either in August or in December 1375. The edition of the document is also provided with a linguistic analysis, which indicates that the charter is a late Old East Slavic text preserving a number of original Common East Slavic peculiarities and reflecting some East Slavic innovations; at the same time, the text shows numerous changes and new dialect formations characteristic of Ruthenian, especially of the Galician-Volhynian dialect, as well as a number of Polonisms. Thus, the published document is of considerable interest both for the history of the South-Western area of Eastern Slavia, and for historical grammar, historical lexicology and toponymy.

The article is written in Russian.


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