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Лáврошевское евангелие и его экстратексты

Вадим Б. Крысько (Vadim B. Krysko)

Seiten 148 - 189

DOI https://doi.org/10.13173/WS.64.1.148

The Lavroshev gospel that was kept in a monastery near Novogrudok (present Belarus) until the early 19th century, and then passed to the Czartoryski Library (now in Kraków) is one of the most interesting Old Russian parchment manuscripts It remains largely mysterious despite almost two centuries of research. The article describes the history of the study of the manuscript and proves that the codex was created in the last third of the 13th century in one of the Volhynian scriptoria by native speakers of the South-Western dialects of Old Russian. The manuscript was originally intended to be richly illuminated, and the text was written with the expectation of filling the abandoned places with miniatures, but the illustration program was not fully implemented. Voids not filled with miniatures were used to write other Church Slavonic texts or Church donation records. In addition, the lower margins contain medical records of considerable interest for both the history of medicine and the history of the East Slavic languages.

The article is written in Russian.


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