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Die Suche erzielte 2 Treffer.

Поп-сквернослов. Обсценные маргиналии в древнерусском евангелии article

Вадим Б. Крысько (Vadim B. Krysko), Игорь М. Ладыженский (Igor M. Ladyženskij)

Die Welt der Slaven, Jahrgang 67 (2022), Ausgabe 2, Seite 286 - 295

A ribald cleric: Obscene marginalia in an Old East Slavic Gospel

The article for the first time publishes and examines two notes in the margins of a Pskov Gospel of the 14"th century, scraped off by the scribe himself or his followers, but completely restored thanks to modern technical means. The paleographic analysis proves that the marginalia belong to the scribe of the manuscript, the priest Savva, who recorded his name in a marginal note. The obscene content of the destroyed marginalia is revealed: these are semi-folklore jokes that demonstrate early fixations of obscene vocabulary and contain elements of wordplay. Thus, thanks to modern methods of text restoration, researchers get the unique opportunity to look into the most secluded corners of the intimate life of a medieval person, where, alas, there was also a place for blasphemy.

The article is written in Russian.

Послесловие Захарии в Псалтыри княгини Марины. Публикация текста, перевод, комментарии, исследование article

Игорь М. Ладыженский (Igor M. Ladyženskij)

Die Welt der Slaven, Jahrgang 65 (2020), Ausgabe 1, Seite 164 - 199

Zaxarija’s Afterword in Princess Marina’s Psalter: Publication of the text, translation, commentary, investigation

The article deals with “Zaxarija’s Afterword”, the closing note to Princess Marina’s Psalter (GIM, Sin. 235; named after the person who initiated the creation of the manuscript). In addition to the publication of the afterword with a paleographic, linguistic and textological commentary, the paper also includes a study of the manuscript itself, clarifying the controversial issues of its dating and localization. The linguistic peculiarities of the Psalter indicate that Zaxarija, the scribe, was a speaker of one of the North-East Russian dialects. The codicological features of the manuscript confirm its traditional dating (1296).

The article is written in Russian.

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Current Issue

Issue 2 / 2023