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Послесловие Захарии в Псалтыри княгини Марины. Публикация текста, перевод, комментарии, исследование

Игорь М. Ладыженский (Igor M. Ladyženskij)

Seiten 164 - 199

DOI https://doi.org/10.13173/WS.65.1.164

Zaxarija’s Afterword in Princess Marina’s Psalter: Publication of the text, translation, commentary, investigation

The article deals with “Zaxarija’s Afterword”, the closing note to Princess Marina’s Psalter (GIM, Sin. 235; named after the person who initiated the creation of the manuscript). In addition to the publication of the afterword with a paleographic, linguistic and textological commentary, the paper also includes a study of the manuscript itself, clarifying the controversial issues of its dating and localization. The linguistic peculiarities of the Psalter indicate that Zaxarija, the scribe, was a speaker of one of the North-East Russian dialects. The codicological features of the manuscript confirm its traditional dating (1296).

The article is written in Russian.


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