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Caused motion in Polish and in English. An intra-typological comparison

Joanna Łozińska

Seiten 57 - 73

DOI https://doi.org/10.13173/WS.69.1.057

The present paper examines the expression of caused motion in Polish and compares the findings with parallel data in English obtained in Hendriks et al.’s (2008) study. The aim of the analysis was twofold: i. to reveal differences between the two languages in the lexicalization of caused motion that may be assigned to their semantic and morpho-syntactic features, and ii. to find similarities between Polish and English that may be accounted for by their affinity to the same typological category. In accordance with our expectations, in Polish and English (which are both satelliteframed), the expressions of caused motion turned out to include information about the Manner of motion (above 90% in both languages) in the verb. Furthermore, we found that Polish utterances are denser in terms of the expression of both Path and Manner than English utterances. The study was based on an elicitation task involving 24 Polish-speaking participants responding to the same set of video stimuli as respondents in Hendriks et al.’s (2008) study.


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