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Conceptualization of the caused posture verbs denoting sitting position in Ukrainian and German

Inna Stupak

Seiten 320 - 339

DOI https://doi.org/10.13173/WS.66.2.320

In the Ukrainian language, there is a set of positional verbs with the meaning ‘to put in a sitting position’. They generally cover more extended semantic fields in contrast to German. This paper focuses on the semantic usage of caused positional verbs denoting sitting position in the Ukrainian language. The corpus analysis based on the Mova.info corpus identified the most frequently used meanings of the causative positional verbs. Apart from denoting the si_ing position, a range of additional meanings were confirmed. The causative positional verbs are mostly used to express caused dynamics or actions in the sitting position rather than only the object’s change to a sitting position. The results of the analysis also suggest the figurative meanings of these verbs. The differences between Ukrainian and German in the conceptualization of the caused sitting position lead to learning difficulties.

This article is written in English.


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