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Пан, з начит враг? Семантический анализ слова пан в контексте описания исторического процесса учебниками Российской Империи по отечественной истории

Stanisław Boridczenko

Seiten 070 - 081

DOI https://doi.org/10.13173/WS.66.1.070

Does pan mean the enemy? Semantic analysis of pan in the context of the description of the historical process by textbooks of the Russian Empire on national history

The article considers the research of the main characteristics of the pany in the context of the word’s use in textbooks on the national history of the Russian Empire, as well as some reflections on the topic. As the main hypothesis, it is suggested that the lexeme is closely related to the image of the Polish nation with a pejorative connotation. Particular attention is paid to the understanding of its uses by textbook authors.

The article is written in Russian.


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