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Synchronische und diachronische Betrachtungen zum slavischen Nominativus absolutus

Georg Holzer

Seiten 234 - 251

DOI https://doi.org/10.13173/WS.64.2.234

On the surface, the Slavic nominativus absolutus does not seem to be a uniform construction but appears in various forms. In this article an attempt is made to find a definition that fits its various manifestations. !is is done on the basis of generativistic methods. In addition, the question is raised as to whether the nominativus absolutus was already a syntactic peculiarity of Proto-Slavic. In an appendix titled The Tale of the Three Eels, or How a nominativus absolutus that wasn’t became one,” a Montenegrin story is compared with other Slavic folklore texts, in which pagan origins are discernible. It is thus shown that an expression previously interpreted as a nominativus absolutus probably originally had a different meaning.

The article is written in German.


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