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Каламбуры, оговорки, неологизмы и сдвиги в русской культуре XIX–XXI вв.

Станислав Савицкий (Stanislav Savickij)

Pages 195 - 198


Puns, slips of the tongue, neologisms and shifts in the Russian culture of the 19th–21st centuries

This cluster of articles consists of essays written by the participants of the international interdisciplinary conference “Play of words, slips of the tongue, neologisms and shifts in the Russian culture of the 18th–20th centuries” that took place at the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences of Saint Petersburg State University on November 27–28, 2020. The conference was initiated as a dialogue of researchers who study textual and visual plays of signs where the sign reaches the limit of its functionality. It was organised by scholars from the University of Konstanz and State University of Saint Petersburg. This short introduction describes the idea and the main aspects that were discussed within the frame of the conference.

The article is written in Russian.


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